Thank you for trying out Resource Tuner™, the fastest, most powerful, and easiest-to-use resource editor for Windows.
to have a personal touch on your favorite application? What better way than
with Resource Tuner, a power resource editing solution you can use now.
Resource Tuner is packed with features which make it an essential tool for anyone
tweaking another programs and those wanting a different look and feel.
Resources are data that make up the visual part of your Windows program. With Resource Tuner you can view, edit, modify, delete, translate and repair the resources contained within 32 bit Windows® executable files with the click of a button. This means you can change any program's text, pictures, buttons, colors - you can completely customize any program you own. Each element of the user interface - dialog boxes, menus, icons, pictures, toolbars, string tables and more are right at your fingertips.
Find out how Resource Tuner can help you: Feature Summary.
You can find detailed list of new features at the What's New section of the Resource Tuner help.
Resource Tuner can handle a variety of different PE ("portable executable") file types: EXE, DLL, OCX, MSSTYLES, DRV, SYS, CPL, BPL, DPL, SCR and more. Support is provided for nearly every type of resources imaginable.
Using unique XP Visual Style Manifest Wizard, you can now incorporate Windows XP Visual Style into your application. The wizard inserts an application manifest into the resource section of the executable, allowing your legacy application to take advantage of the slick new look for common controls featured in Windows XP.
Resource Tuner ships with the UPX Unpacker plug-in.
This is a start-up processing plug-in that plugs into Resource Tuner for unpacking
files compressed with UPX by Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer & Laszlo Molnar (see
Resource Tuner is a stand-alone version of the resource editor component of
PE Explorer™, another Heaventools product. Please visit our home
page http://www.heaventools.com
for more info on our products.
We understand that developers differ in their editing needs and experience,
that's why we divided PE Explorer into two products —
PE Explorer for advanced and professional users, and Resource
Tuner™ for translators, tweakers and those wanting a different
look and feel. When resource editing is the major playground, the resource editor
part for only $34.95 might prove a decent choice.